Aquilegia caerulea—Blue Rocky Mountain Columbine Seeds

This is the State Flower of Colorado and if you've ever seen it—or grown it—you'll understand why it was chosen. Sadly, these photos of mine do not fully capture the color. It really is more blue than purple but it must be in just the right light.

Aquilegia caerulea is also more of a rock garden plant so be sure to give it lots of sharp drainage and light. I actually neglected my plant quite a bit and it did great last year. Pollinators also LOVE this one.

Germination instructions are also included with your seeds. If you're wondering, these are very easy to grow. (about 50 seeds)

Basic Plant Facts:
Aquilegia caerulea
Grows 18-24" x 9-12"
Likes sun to part shade
USDA zones: 3a-8b
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