Cynara cardunculus—Cardoon Seeds

There's so much I want to say about this plant since it's near and dear to me. It's long been an edible plant in Italy and it's one my Sicilian relatives enjoyed eating. I once cooked it on TV for a local gardening show. It's labor intensive to prepare, but it's worth the effort. (These are similar to artichokes but the stalks are eaten after they're blanched. The tops on these are inedible.)

If you don't want to eat it, it can also make for one incredibly dramatic plant in a very big border. Pollinators also LOVE this plant and they many blooms it throws up into the air.

Germination instructions are included with your seeds. These are easy to grow. (about 25 seeds)

Basic Growing Facts:
Cynara cardunculus
Grows 8' x 6'
Zones: 7a-9b
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