Rosa rugosa—Heirloom Rosa Rugosa Seeds

from $3.00
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This perennial shrub is best planted in cooler climates. Here in Oregon, it grows well near the Pacific Ocean, but it can live inland too. While honeymooning in Alaska in 2013 I saw beautiful stands of it during the autumn and they certainly don't grow as nicely here as they do there, but they can grow in Zone 8. (I have a bush here in the city and I collect at the coast too.)

In addition to their beautiful fragrant single blossoms you'll be gifted later in the season with gorgeous, fat, rose hips. In addition to being edible, they make a great tea too.

If you're looking for a rose that isn't fussy and is resistant to things like blackspot and mildew, this is the rose for you. It's tough as nails. Don't forget this when you plant it. It's perfect for an organic garden.

Did I mention that this plant doesn't require a lot of feeding or water? Yes, this is a good one but admittedly, it's not for everyone. This plant likes to take up space so be sure to give it some real estate.

These were organically grown but are not certified.

Germination instructions are included with your seeds. The seeds will need to be stratified, and this may be a little bit difficult, but with some practice and patience, you should have success.

Basic Plant Facts:

Rosa rugosa

Grows 4-6' x 4-6'

Likes sun

USDA zones: 2a-8b

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